Covid19 Updates

As we entre a second lockdown, we have made some changes to our opening times and to our customers experience at Finlay Motor Group. Luckily enough, we are in a position to be still open and hopefully, we will remain open through these difficult & testing times. 

We want to continue to support our staff & customers & their vehicles during times of need. We will help our customers and in particular, our emergency services in any way we can, including the following:

  • We will drop off/pick up your car for service/repairs

  • Where we can, we will repair the car with you still inside

  • Deliver your car to you after purchase/service/repair

  • Operate a click & Collect service for all new purchases

  • Customers, please wear a mask whilst dropping off/picking up your vehicle from service/parts
At Finlay Motor Group, we will try our upmost best to keep the cars of the public on the road and all our emergency vehicles mobile so they can continue to offer help to the at risk & vulnerable in their communities.
Thank you to all our emergency services for your tireless efforts.
For more information, visit or call 045 431725